Saturday 17 September 2011

Goodbye NT, Hello WA

A couple of Sundays ago we stopped for a quick beer at the Timber Creek Hotel (where drinks are not permitted outside and the banned list was pretty extensive). After that we arrived at the Big Horse Campground on the Victoria River. There wasn't much to see except for lots of red dirt, flocks of screeching galahs and an abundance of Boab trees. We had heard that the fishing was pretty good, so we decided to set up camp.

They loved to squeal at 5am every morning

But they are a little bit cute
Banned list at the Timber Creek Hotel

Vic River Road House

Hmmm - we sure do pick strange friends....

A few hours later our new BFFS arrived (Dave and Jana for those of you who have been living under a rock for the last few blogs). We were woken at sparrows fart by the noisy birds (they were galahs, not sparrows) and eventually got the boats out in the arvo.  Apart from the electric motor joining the long list of broken items it was a fairly uneventful afternoon - but nice on the water nonetheless.

Cruising up the Vic

Ned Kelly lets Belle drive the boat now (she is awesome at it)
Mr and Mrs Hose

Croc guarding our pots

Dawn the next morning saw us on the water again ready to get some fish. We pulled up at a likely looking rock bar where Belle executed a perfect cast (Waz got snagged on the rocks). While Waz was trying to retrieve his snagged lure, Belle felt an almighty hit on and was on in a big way. Waz didn't believe her at first, but when a metre Barra materialized boat side with a Rapala X-Rap in it's mouth, he quickly busted his line off and got the net ready. After a short but intense battle in which the Barra jumped and splashed us both, the line broke and the Barra unfortunately saw it's freedom. That morning Belle lost 3 Rapalas, 1 Metre Barra and her positive attitude - it was time to go back to the camp and sulk.

Belle nearly landing a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Barra
View from Policeman's Lookout aka Coppers Knob

Nice earring Waz

We spent a couple more days at Timber Creek fishing, sightseeing and playing heated games of sequence before we finally left for Western Australia. A short drive and quarantine stop later, and we were unpacking at the Kimberland Campground in Kununurra which is situated on the Lilly Lagoon.

Before we knew it we were booked onto a Charter flight over the Bungle Bungles and the Ord River and we were air born!!!! Our trainee pilot flew us over Lake Argyle, Argyle Diamond Mine, Bungle Bungles, Cockburn Range (the C and K are silent, but it is still funny), Emma Gorge, El Questro, Wyndham and the mouth of the Ord. The 2.5 hour flight was amazing and if you ever get the chance you should definitely do it. After a shaky landing, we were back on the tarmac and ready for some dinner (a dinner that never eventuated).

Our pilot (she had two stripes)

The Bungles (bush fires made photos very hazy)

Argyle Diamond Mine

There is a 1.5 hour time difference between NT and WA and when we arrived in WA we felt like we had jet lag so we took it easy and just spent the next couple of days sightseeing around the area. We visited Ninas (which is like the Tiffanys of Kununurra) and Waz bought Belle a beautiful Boab Tree necklace. We also visited Wyndham which was a bit of a hole, but it had a good pub that served us a good Barra and chips. There was even a friendly pub dog called Bella!!!!

What a cute little lizard

The boab prison tree - imagine being locked up in that thing!!!!!

We had also put the car in to get the thermostat replaced, but the part needed to be ordered in (same old same old) so we decided to head out to Purnululu National Park (The Bungle Bungles) while we waited for the part to arrive. We did lots of walks and saw the Bungles from the ground, poor old Ned Kelly even got blisters on his feet because he had to wear closed in shoes for the first time in months. We took about 25,000 photos while we were at the Bungles, so if you want to see them, come round to our place with a carton of beer (in a glass please) and we will get bungled together - we won't bore everyone else.  A couple of days was enough to see the Bungles, so we made our way back to Kununurra on Tuesday.

The Bungles from the ground

Mini Palms
We left Kununurra with our new thermostat in place and made our way to the Keep River where we planned to bush camp on the River Banks.  We found a nice spot overlooking the muddy river and set up camp in the oppressive heat.  We had a pretty laid back approach to our camping experience at the Keep River.  We fished with live bait from the river banks, threw out a couple of crab pots and played a couple of games of sequence. 

West Australians and Territorians love to shoot stuff

For those of you who aren't travelling through remote areas, most boat ramps that you use would be a good concrete structure that enables you to lower your boat into the water.  The Keep River was a very different story.  We have seen some dodgy ramps on this trip, but this was the most difficult.  The 'boat ramp' was a steep muddy bank (with a resident 4 metre croc close by) that was very difficult to use (see photo).  We did manage to get both boats in the water, but didn't land a single fish.  When we checked the crab pots they were full, so we were happy enough.

Boat ramp - need we say more (actually yes it is worse than it looks)

Life is good

We left the Keep River this morning, and are now back at Kununurra for another couple of days.  Monday morning we are going to hit the Gibb River Road.  Oh and by the way now our fridge/freezer is broken, looks like the Kununurra Stimulus Package is looking better by the minute.  We are buying an Engel though - because EvaKool are shit!!!!!!!!

Thursday 1 September 2011

Dundee Beach and Channel Point

We had received mixed reports on Dundee Beach, so we weren't entirely sure what to expect. We met Dave and Jana at Dundee Downs and made our way down to Dundee Beach where we enjoyed a pub lunch at the local pub/caravan park. The food and service were both pretty shocking, but the beer was cold, the view was nice and we could fill up our water tanks so we stayed for a couple of hours. Still - we knew that we could find somewhere better to spend the week so we high-tailed it.

Dundee Beach

We had heard about a great free bush camping spot just South of Dundee Beach (towards the mouth of the Finnis River) and decided to set up there. After letting down our tyre pressure (we didn't want another bogging incident) we were cruising along the soft sandy beach searching for a nice spot. We scored a great camp site and we enjoyed beautiful sunsets every afternoon.

 sunset behind our camp fire

The fishing in the Finnis River wasn't bad either and we left with bellies and freezers full of delicious salt water Barras. Wazamundi even managed to beat his Yellow Waters record and pulled in a 65cm Barra. Dave also got his first legal Barra which put a smile on his dial. The crocs were particularly large, friendly and inquisitive (especially whenever a fish was landed), and we had to constantly keep an eye on them.

Wazamundi is a regular now...

 A very happy Dave

If we hadn't prearranged our permits for Channel Point we probably would have stayed another couple of nights - it really was a top spot! After a quick restock at the Dundee Store we were on our way again. We arrived at Channel Point later that afternoon (with our second flat tyre of the trip) and also noticed that the suspension on our trailer looked a little dodgy, or as Dave informed us, it was "F%$#@!", and just to top it all off, the the back door of the Cruiser had jammed itself shut and was impossible to open which made unpacking very difficult.

You could say that our Channel Point adventure had not started off particularly well, but when the boys took the boat out the following morning our luck turned right around! They caught a couple of good sized spanish mackerel and a bunch of smaller ones and Dave even got a nice Jack on a popper. The only problem was making more room in the freezer for all of the fish (one of the mackerel would have been around 10kgs alone - so we are not joining the ranks of freezing filling grey nomads). If anyone has any good Mackerel recipes - send them our way, we have already smoked it and tempura battered it, a mackerel Laksa is next on the cards..........

Tides were massive and the area isolated which made fishing from a small boat difficult over the last few days, but we still managed a couple of trips, but they were much quieter. When we weren't fishing we were playing our new favourite board game Sequence, you could say that things got a little heated as the four of us are all quite competitive (and it was pretty obvious that Dave and Waz were cheating).....

Waz and dinner for the next month

Waz is a SNAG (Sensitive New Age Guy) - he regularly does the dishes...

Jana and Belle preparing chilli mud crab nori rolls

Waz and Belle at Channel Point

After our previous experiences dealing with mechanics and parts and the delays often experienced, we decided to get onto the suspension early. We pulled out the Satellite phone for the first time and got dialling. Luckily, John Squire came to the rescue (and no doubt Lynn behind the scenes) and arranged for parts to be sent to Katherine and a engineer to fit parts in Katherine which would mean only minor delays for our onward journey.

Yowie trying to use the sat phone

Toad in the fire.........

We also decided to stay in a nice comfortable hotel for a couple of nights. We are currently enjoying all of the mod cons that you city slickers take for granted...... We have air-conditioning, electricity, in-house restaurant and Fox News. We don't even have to wear our thongs when we have a shower, or take a torch when we need a mid night wee - we have our own bathroom without a resident snake or spider. Waz even bought Belle a surprise present this morning - a three pack of Rapala X-Rap Extreme Action Slashbait (lures for those not in the know)..... Hmmmmm wonder wonder who the present really was meant for?????

Once our repairs have been done we are going to make our way towards the WA border, our first stop will be the Victoria River........