Thursday 18 August 2011

Cobourg Peninsula - The greatest place on earth

We left Darwin a later later then anticipated due to a very bad hangover which was the result of a boozy dinner with Lori, Rob and Eva in Darwin City. We spent Saturday night in Jabiru (which is only a few hours drive from Darwin) and enjoyed our last taste of civilization for a while - some pub grub and beers in glass around the resort pool.

Black Cockatoo at Jabiru

We were up bright and early the next day with 2 full fuel tanks, heaps of jerrys and enough beer and food to supply a small country for a month. The first significant obstacle was the infamous Cahills Crossing on the East Alligator River. It was low tide so the Cruiser just ploughed through it without any drama. The drive through the first part of Arnhem Land was amazing; lush green wetlands and lagoons in front of beautiful rock escarpments. Another highlight was a small creek crossing, there was nothing difficult about the crossing, but the creek was choc-a-block full of Barra. Waz got very excited and we nearly drove into the creek because his attention was focused on the Barra and not the concrete road....  I guess he is only human.

As we were nearing our destination, we came across a vehicle pulled over on the side of the road. The young couple were having some difficulties with the strap on their boat, but waved us on as they had the situation under control. Four and half hours later, we arrived at our destination Garig Gunakbarlu National Park aka Cobourg Peninsula. We set up camp after navigating our way across the crocodile crossing and before you could blink we were enjoying a cold beer and a yarn with our new friends who were not grey nomads who we had met on the side of the road earlier that day.

We knew that our trip was off to a good start when we pulled in two good sized coral trouts while trolling along reefs close to the boat ramp. Dave and Janna were kind enough to invite us out on their 5 metre boat the next day and we were able to fish further afield and visit Victoria settlement. We had a great day and caught heaps of fish. Giant Trevally, Giant Herring, Queenies and Mackerel - just to name a few........ We didn't end up doing the 3 hour walk at Victoria Settlement as the fishing was too good. We decided that we would come back and do the touristy thing another day.

mmmm two coral trouts - caught by Belle (not that it matters who caught them of course)

double hook-up

80cm  Giant Herring

Waz and his big GT

What a fish..... Jana with her Queenie

 The next few days we were blessed with beautiful weather and we spent the majority of the time fishing and caught loads of good fish. Hooking Cobias on poppers from the back of a giant Manta Ray was definitely one of the highlights - even though we didn't manage to land one of the big beasts.

Waz likes long walks on the beach and poetry....

Got sick of sunset photos so here is a sunrise - what a tough life......
 The only negative of the trip occurred on our second last day when Dave and Janna's boat ran into some mechanical problems. We were 10km from the boat ramp when the engine made a loud boof, started to smoke, and then stopped all together. Luckily Dave was able to start the motor again, and we didn't have to swim back to shore in the croc/shark infested water. We later found out that it was the alternator and it is going to be a very expensive repair job.

Dave's luck didn't improve that day when he managed to impail himself with two hooks right up to the barb while unhooking a barra. Luckily Dr Yowie was able to perform some micro surgery with large pliers and remove the offending hooks. While Dave and Waz were busy removing fishing in the easy topper, Belle and Janna were busy collecting shells and disturbing disgruntled crocodiles on the beach - Never a dull moment at Cobourg!!!!

We know that we have said it about a few other places before, but we really mean it when we say that Cobourg is definitely our favourite place so far!!!! If only you could swim in the crystal clear waters without being taken by a croc it would be perfect!!!!

Caimen Creek

Manta Ray

Hard day at the office

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