Thursday 5 May 2011

Just about to go

Welcome to our blog!!!!

Neither of us have ever created a blog before so we are not experts, but we will give it a go.
Waz and his mates have just arrived in Weipa, they have a few weeks of fishing ahead of them.  They have a houseboat booked for a week, and will spend the other week fishing from their own boats.
I am still at work, and will fly to Cairns next week, where I will spend a week with Mum and Bob and then I will fly to Weipa on the 21st of March.
Then the adventure will begin...............

We will be travelling from Brisbane to Perth around the top end.  We both have 6 months of leave, and are due back in November.  We are travelling in our 'Big Rig' aka Dingo's Den which consists of a LandCruiser, an off-road campertrailer and an easy topper boat (all pictured below)

We hope to update our blog weekly, but will not make any promises.
We also hope that you enjoy 'following our blog'.

Isabel and Waz.
We have since added roof racks and UHF radio

The 'Lifestyle off road camper'
The 'Easy Topper' boat.  It only weighs 46kg, and the trailer folds up into our tool box.
Gone Fishin'


  1. The Black Haired grey nomads - have a blast!!!

  2. Have a great time. Your ability to time travel should help make the 6 months last longer :0) This blog is dated 5 May, then you spend a week in Cairns and then you fly to Weipa on 21 March - hmmm!!

  3. Awesome work guys. I will be following your journey. As you know we have done a fair bit with our camp trailer and the kids and are currently in planning for our second Cape trip next June! Can't wait! We are pretty jealous just quietly.....;-)

  4. we can live our travelling lives through you both can't we??

  5. remember, I want to see planking pics

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