Monday 30 May 2011


The adventure really begins

After a quick stop at the Weipa bakery, and BP (where diesel was only $2.08 per litre) we were on our way. We made our way up the PDR for a couple of kms and then said goodbye to Wallsy and Daz.

Just leaving Bramwell Junction

Our plan was to drive up to Siesia and set up camp for the week, but after 4 hours or so we came across Bramwell Cattle Station, it had a large sign that lured us in with the promise of cold beer. Neither of us had ever stayed a Cattle Station before, so we decided to do it. The proprietors were really accommodating and even served me up a vegetarian feast (Waz tucked into a big rump steak).

Trust us to get behind the bar.......
The next morning we jumped into the Big Rig and headed North. We stopped at Fruit Bat Falls for breakfast and attempted the track to Elliot Falls, there were some pretty big dips so we decided to turn around and come back without the trailer next week.

Fruit Bat Falls - nice spot to cool off
We drove up to Seisia and scored an absolute beach front camp site, apart from the 'ACHTUNG - CROCODILES' sign that we can see from our kitchen - it is perfect. We took an afternoon trip up to Cape York and got the obligatory tourist photo in front of that famous sign.The rest of our time at Seisia has been spent catching barras, cod and trevally, drinking beer, exploring the area and chin wagging with the grey nomads. Our neighbours (who aren't grey nomads) are a really nice couple (Kev and Cam) and we have spent alot of time fishing and chatting with them. The other night we went down to the local sunset markets and watched the locals play bodgy - it was suprisingly entertaining.

Belle with her Golden Trevally

Table is set - and fresh cod is on the menu

We have just packed up this morning and we are heading to Virylia Point, which is located on the West Coast. There are no facilities in the camp ground, so we will be putting our 'glamping' gear to the test. We will probably stay for 4 nights and then visit Captain Billy's Landing on the East Coast for another 4 nights. Then we will make our way South to Pennyfarther River (north of Weipa) and do it all over again. We then plan to make our way to Cairns (stopping in at Cooktown for a couple of nights) as we need to do some minor repairs on the trailer and restock our supplies. A pedicure (for Belle) might also be on the cards.........

1 comment:

  1. Lovely looking fish, lovely looking scenery - you have settled into holiday mode very well.
