Wednesday 26 October 2011

Cape Leveque

On the 18th of August 2011 the Dingo's Den blog quoted Cobourg Peninsula as being the "Greatest Place on Earth". Dingo's Den would like to retract that statement because Cape Leveque kicks Cobourg's arse.........

For those of you who aren't in the know, Cape Leveque is located on the North/West side of the Dampier Peninsula, which is about a 3 hour drive from Broome (depending on road conditions and of course what tyre pressure you are running). Luckily caravans are not permitted so it also means that it is mostly a Grey Nomad Free Zone.

The last week has been total bliss and we have had the time of our lives. We arrived at Cape Leveque last Tuesday afternoon and enjoyed yet another spectacular sunset over sea after a stress free set up. The next morning we all jumped into the Seaspray and spent the morning reef fishing. Luckily Belle and the Shimano T-Curve were on board because she managed to catch dinner for everyone (see pictures below) because the others didn't have too much luck. Jana was particularly good at hooking sharks though......

Belle's haul from Day 1

Another sunset photo - we still aren't sick of them

Nice rock formation

Waza's new boat

The following days of fishing were even better!!!!!! We were all shocked to see the huge schools of tuna going absolutely berserk on the surface, and it wasn't long until we had all hooked up. We all managed to land a couple of mac tuna (which make great bait) but were very happy when Waz pulled in the first beautiful Long Tail which was transformed in sushi rolls a few hours later. Belle and Jana also landed some good sized Long Tails a few days later. We also got a few decent sized Spanish Mackerels which tasted delicious as crispy fish soft shelled tacos.

Holy Mackerel

Long Tail Tuna at 1000hrs

Long Tail Tuna at 1200hrs

Goodline Work-life balance

Mac Tuna - Trousar's second favourite fish (coral trout is top of the list)

Waz and Queenie

Tripple Hook-up

Waz and Golden Trevally

Belle finally got her Long Tail Tuna - mmmm more sushi.....

While we did land a heap of good fish during our stay (tuna, mackerel, trevally, parrot, queenies, coral trout, spanish flag, jacks and cod) we also lost a heap of fish and tackle to sharks. Waz was particularly good at catching fish heads (see photo below), we also had to do an emergency run back to Broome to restock on fishing tackle. It was pretty spectacular watching sharks home in on good size spanish mackerel or trevally and watch them try and avoid getting eaten. Equally as spectacular was watching mackerel jump clear of the water and in one case over the the boat while attempting to grab our lures...

Another one bites the dust

Jana exhausted after a shark ate her Golden Trevally 

Barb and Ron - he did it again!!!!

The marine life at Cape Leveque was absolutely amazing - David Attenborough could have filmed one of his documentaries from Dave's boat. Pods of whales (with calves) came within 20 or 30 metres of the boat and put on spectacular shows for us. There was lots of breaching and fluking and all of that other whaley sort of stuff. We also saw dugongs, sea snakes, turtles, sharks, dolphins and more fish than you could poke a stick at (or throw a lure at).

photo courtesy of Janifer Hose photography

When we weren't fishing we were swimming in the beautiful turquoise water, snorkeling around the reefs, strolling along the long sandy beaches or enjoying a game of sequence with a beautiful sunset as a backdrop. If only life was like this every day!!!!!!

Preferred method of transport - Cape Leveque Taxis

Unfortunately Dave and Jana had to pack up yesterday and make their way to Port Headland to start work (Dave is a chippy and has some work lined up with Goodline). It was very sad to say goodbye to them and we wished that they could have stayed for another couple of weeks, but we know that we will catch up with them again....... Actually Dad and Connie - I have already invited them to your place in Tassie so we will probably reunite with them in Copping.

We decided to have a break from fishing today and do some of the touristy things. We visited the Pearl Farm at Cygnet Bay and also spent a few hours looking around One Arm Point. We visited the Trochus Hatchery where Waz feed a Barra and had a quick look at the beach.

Waz hand feeding a Barra

Cute Turtle

Taking a stroll along beach at One Arm Point

Tomorrow we are packing up and making our way to Middle Lagoon.............

Also - news just in..... Casper and Miranda are ENGAGED - congratulations guys!!!!

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