Tuesday 18 October 2011

The Fitzroy River

As mentioned in the last blog, we were fairly confident that we were going to land a metre Barra at the Fitzroy. We tried our hardest (well Dave and Waz did, Belle and Jana mostly drank booze and played sequence) but we just couldn't get one in the boat. The biggest we got was 74cm (courtesy of Mr Hose). Getting the boat into the river was a complete nightmare - a couple of old geezers had told us that it would be easier if we launched to the right of the 'boat ramp' because the sand was harder. We got bogged straight away and spent the next hour or so trying to push Dave's heavy boat into the ankle deep water. We think that they were just giving us the bum steer because the WA Yokel Hicks don't really like us tourist much. They even told Fisheries officers to launch there and they got bogged worse then us. We spent 6 nights bush camping on the river banks, it was a top spot and we didn't have to pay a cent.

sign at the roadhouse dunny - I don't get it......
It isn't a metre - but it is still a nice Barra

Belle dominating the Sequence Board

who says you can't get drunk on middies

Having trouble thinking of a PC caption for this - the bugs were very bad though
The cat who got the cream


On Sunday we packed up and made our way towards Broome, Waz had booked the Cruiser into a radiator specialist for first thing on Monday morning as it is still running hot (even with a new thermostat). Recently the temperature hit 44.7 degrees on the dash, so driving 3500km home without air-conditioning is not an option!!! As usual major repairs are required, parts need to be ordered etc, so it wont be getting fixed this time round in Broome (booked in for our return).

Everything else about Broome was fantastic - we both really loved it and are looking forward to going back. It was great to go somewhere where the service staff are actually nice and don't just grunt and ask what we want (like they do in most parts of NT and WA). So we treated ourselves to a romantic dinner at the Wharf (a seafood restaurant near the jetty), a boozy dinner at Matso' Brewery with Dave and Jana and Belle even scored a nice pair of pearl earrings. We did a bit of sightseeing, and managed to get relatively clean and well stocked.

Another sunset from our camper

Big tides at Roebuck Bay - they did manage to get it in though

Yesterday morning we packed and took the Cape Leveque Road which runs to the top of the Dampier Peninsula. We are currently camping at Cape Leveque and it is absolutely FANTASTIC but you are going to have to wait until the next blog to hear all about it because it is beer o'clock now and after that we have to go and catch some more fish!

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